How to Send a Message on OkCupid: A Step-by-Step Guide to Connect with Potential Matches - The Techy Life (2024)

In today’s fast-paced digital world, online dating has become the norm for those seeking meaningful connections and potential matches. With countless dating apps available, OkCupid has risen to be one of the most popular platforms, known for its user-friendly interface and interactive features. However, navigating the realm of online dating can still be intimidating, especially when it comes to sending that initial message to catch someone’s attention. Fear not, for this article is here to guide you through the step-by-step process of sending a compelling and engaging message on OkCupid, helping you forge genuine connections with potential matches.

First impressions matter, and crafting a well-thought-out message can be the key to sparking a meaningful conversation. Whether you’re new to online dating or seeking ways to enhance your messaging skills, this guide aims to provide you with practical tips, techniques, and insights to make the most out of your OkCupid experience. From understanding what makes a message stand out to learning effective communication strategies, we’ll walk you through each step, empowering you to send that first message with confidence. So, buckle up and get ready to unlock the secrets of connecting with potential matches on OkCupid.

Table of Contents

Creating a Compelling OkCupid Profile

Importance of a Well-Crafted Profile

Your OkCupid profile is your first impression on potential matches. It is crucial to create a profile that showcases your personality, interests, and what you are looking for in a partner. A well-crafted profile can attract attention and increase the likelihood of receiving messages from potential matches. Follow these steps to create a compelling OkCupid profile that will set you apart from the competition.

Choose an Eye-Catching Username

Your username is the first thing people see when they come across your profile. It should be unique, easy to remember, and reflect your personality. Avoid using generic usernames and opt for something that captures attention and sparks curiosity.

Write a Captivating Bio

Your OkCupid bio is an opportunity to showcase your personality and interests. Be authentic and genuine in your writing. Highlight your passions, hobbies, and what makes you unique. Avoid generic phrases and clichés; instead, be specific and provide examples that give potential matches an insight into who you are.

Add High-Quality Photos

Including high-quality and recent photos on your OkCupid profile is essential. Choose photos that accurately represent who you are and what you enjoy doing. Avoid group photos or heavily edited pictures. Aim for a variety of photos that show different aspects of your life and personality. Remember that honesty is key, and potential matches appreciate genuine photos.

Be Clear About What You’re Seeking

State your intentions clearly in your profile so potential matches know what you are looking for. Whether you’re seeking a long-term relationship, casual dating, or simply making new friends, clarity will help attract those with similar goals.

Highlight Your Compatibility

OkCupid has a feature that allows you to answer questions to determine your compatibility with others. Take advantage of this feature and answer questions honestly to improve your match percentages. Display your compatibility badges prominently in your profile to attract matches who value the same qualities and interests.

Regularly Update Your Profile

Keep your profile fresh by adding new photos and revising your bio periodically. Updating your profile shows that you are an active user and can pique the interest of potential matches who may have overlooked your profile previously.

By following these steps to create a compelling OkCupid profile, you will increase your chances of attracting potential matches who are interested in getting to know you. Remember to be authentic, showcase your personality, and stay active on the platform to maximize your chances of successful connections.

Understanding your potential matches and targeting your messages accordingly

Identifying shared interests and values

Before crafting your message on OkCupid, it is crucial to understand your potential match by thoroughly reading their profile. Look for shared interests, hobbies, or values that you can reference in your message. This shows that you have taken the time to get to know them and are genuinely interested in establishing a connection.

Avoiding generic messages

Sending generic messages is a common mistake that can decrease your chances of getting a response. Instead, personalize your message based on the information provided in their profile. Mention specific details that caught your attention and explain why you found them intriguing. This demonstrates your sincerity and increases the likelihood of receiving a positive response.

Respecting their preferences

While it’s important to personalize your message, it’s equally crucial to respect the preferences stated by your potential match. If someone specifies they are looking for a certain type of person or have certain deal-breakers, be mindful of these factors when crafting your message. Sending a message disregarding their preferences will likely result in being ignored or rejected.

Adapting your tone and style

Pay attention to the tone and style of writing in your potential match’s profile. Adapt your message to match their communication style to establish a connection. If their profile is lighthearted and humorous, consider incorporating some humor into your message. Conversely, if their profile is more serious and intellectual, use a more thoughtful and introspective tone.

Showing genuine interest

Demonstrate genuine interest in getting to know your potential match by asking thoughtful questions about their hobbies, passions, or experiences. This shows that you value their opinions and are invested in building a meaningful connection. Avoid asking generic questions or making assumptions based on their profile. Instead, show curiosity and ask open-ended questions that encourage them to share more about themselves.

Avoiding common conversation pitfalls

Be mindful of potential pitfalls that can hinder meaningful conversations. Avoid discussing controversial topics, oversharing personal information, or coming across as overly eager or desperate. Strike a balance between being friendly and respectful while keeping the conversation light and enjoyable.

By understanding your potential matches and targeting your messages accordingly, you significantly increase the chances of receiving a positive response on OkCupid. Customizing your messages, demonstrating genuine interest, and respecting their preferences will help you stand out from the crowd and establish a connection with potential matches.

RecommendedStep 1: Find a potential match on OkCupid based on your preferences

Introduction to Step 1

Finding a potential match on OkCupid is the crucial first step towards initiating a conversation. To increase your chances of connecting with someone compatible, it’s essential to search for profiles that align with your preferences. This section will guide you through the process of finding potential matches on OkCupid.

1.1 Set your search preferences

Before you start searching for potential matches, it’s important to set your search preferences on OkCupid. These preferences include factors such as age range, location, relationship status, and more. By configuring these settings, you can filter out profiles that don’t meet your criteria, saving both time and effort.

1.2 Review suggested matches

OkCupid provides a list of suggested matches based on your preferences and compatibility scores. Take the time to review these profiles as they are likely to have a higher chance of being a potential match.

1.3 Explore search filters

OkCupid offers advanced search filters that allow you to narrow down your results even further. You can filter profiles based on specific interests, hobbies, education, and more. Take advantage of these filters to find individuals who share commonalities with you.

1.4 Browse profile details

When you come across a potential match’s profile, make sure to thoroughly read their bio, answers to questions, and any other information they have shared. This will give you a better understanding of their personality, interests, and values, helping you determine if they are a good fit for you.

1.5 Consider compatibility indicators

OkCupid provides compatibility scores based on a variety of factors, including shared interests, values, and lifestyle choices. Take these indicators into account when deciding whether to reach out to someone. Higher compatibility scores indicate a higher likelihood of meaningful connection.


Successfully finding potential matches on OkCupid requires careful consideration and utilization of the platform’s search features. By properly setting your preferences, reviewing suggested matches, exploring search filters, browsing profile details, and considering compatibility indicators, you can improve your chances of connecting with individuals who align with your interests and values. Undertaking this critical step will set the foundation for crafting personalized and engaging messages, leading to meaningful conversations and potential relationships.

Step 2 – Crafting an attention-grabbing subject line for your message

Importance of a compelling subject line

When sending a message on OkCupid, the subject line is the first thing that potential matches see. It is crucial to craft an attention-grabbing subject line that will entice the recipient to open and read your message. A compelling subject line can increase the chances of getting a response and create a positive impression.

How to create an attention-grabbing subject line

1. Personalize: Use the recipient’s username or refer to something in their profile to show that you have taken the time to read it. This personal touch can make your message stand out among others.

2. Be intriguing: Create curiosity by using a subject line that sparks interest. Consider using a question, a playful statement, or an intriguing fact to make the recipient curious about what your message contains.

3. Keep it concise: A long subject line may get cut off, making it less impactful. Aim to keep it short and to the point while still conveying the main idea or capturing interest.

4. Show enthusiasm: Use words that convey positive emotions, such as “excited,” “intrigued,” or “fascinated.” This can make your subject line more appealing and encourage the recipient to open your message.

5. Avoid clichés: Steer clear of common or generic subject lines that may come across as unoriginal. Instead, try to come up with something unique and eye-catching that reflects your personality.

6. Be respectful and genuine: While it is important to grab attention with your subject line, avoid being overly provocative or insincere. Being respectful and genuine will create a better impression and increase the chances of a positive response.

Remember that the subject line is just the first step in engaging potential matches on OkCupid. It should serve as a hook to encourage them to open your message, where you can further showcase your personality and establish a connection. Experiment with different subject lines to see what works best for you, and be open to adapting them depending on the recipient’s profile and preferences.

By investing time and thought into crafting an attention-grabbing subject line, you increase your chances of sparking curiosity and initiating meaningful conversations with potential matches on OkCupid.

Constructing a personalized and engaging opening sentence

Why the opening sentence is important

When sending a message on OkCupid, the opening sentence plays a vital role in capturing the attention and interest of your potential match. It is the first impression they will have of you, so it is crucial to make it personalized, engaging, and unique. This section will guide you through the process of constructing an opening sentence that will leave a lasting impression and increase your chances of a response.

Crafting a personalized opening sentence

To make your opening sentence stand out, it is important to personalize it based on the information you have gathered from the potential match’s profile. Start by addressing them by their username and mention something specific that caught your interest. It could be a shared hobby, a mutual favorite book, or a unique detail about their profile that stood out to you.

For example, if their username is “AdventureSeeker” and they mention their love for hiking in their profile, you could start your message with something like, “Hey AdventureSeeker! I noticed your passion for hiking and couldn’t help but be drawn to your adventurous spirit.”

Using humor or a creative approach

Another effective way to make your opening sentence engaging is to sprinkle in some humor or use a creative approach. This will not only make your message memorable but also showcase your personality. Consider referencing something from their profile in a lighthearted or witty manner that will make them smile or laugh.

For instance, if they mention their love for cats, you could say, “Meow-velous profile you’ve got there! As a fellow feline enthusiast, I couldn’t resist reaching out and getting to know the purr-son behind those adorable pictures.”

Keeping it concise and genuine

While it is important to make your opening sentence personalized and engaging, it is equally important to keep it concise and genuine. Avoid writing a lengthy paragraph or using generic compliments. Instead, aim to convey your interest and intrigue in a sincere and straightforward manner.

Remember, the purpose of the opening sentence is to grab their attention and initiate a conversation. You can save the detailed introductions and deeper conversations for later messages if a connection is established.

By crafting a personalized, engaging, and concise opening sentence, you are setting the foundation for a meaningful conversation with your potential match. Putting thought and effort into this crucial step will greatly increase your chances of a response and pave the way for a successful interaction on OkCupid.

Step 4 – Sharing common interests to establish a connection

Finding common ground

Building a connection with someone on OkCupid begins with finding common interests that you can discuss. By highlighting shared hobbies, interests, or experiences, you can create a sense of familiarity and establish a foundation for a meaningful conversation. Here are some tips on how to effectively share common interests to establish a connection.

1. Carefully review their profile

Before reaching out to a potential match, take the time to thoroughly read their profile. Look for shared passions, hobbies, or activities that you can reference in your message. This shows that you have taken the time to understand their interests and have genuine common ground.

2. Be specific

Rather than just mentioning a general interest, try to be specific about the shared activity or hobby. For example, if you both enjoy hiking, mention a specific trail or hiking spot that you have in common. This specificity demonstrates your genuine connection to the interest, making the conversation more engaging.

3. Relate it to their profile

When sharing a common interest, it’s important to tie it back to something specific they mentioned in their profile. This shows that you have paid attention and are genuinely interested in getting to know them. For example, if they mention a favorite book, you could talk about a shared love for the author or a related genre.

4. Use humor or anecdotes

Injecting humor or sharing personal anecdotes related to the common interest can make your message more interesting and memorable. This helps to create a positive and light-hearted atmosphere for conversation. Remember to keep it appropriate and avoid controversial topics that may alienate your potential match.

5. Avoid generic or superficial questions

While it’s important to ask questions related to shared interests, try to avoid generic or superficial questions. Instead, ask open-ended questions that encourage thoughtful responses. This demonstrates your genuine curiosity and interest in getting to know the person better.

By sharing common interests in your OkCupid messages, you create a connection that goes beyond surface-level attraction. Demonstrating genuine interest and finding common ground is crucial in establishing a meaningful conversation and potentially building a lasting relationship.

Step 5: Asking thoughtful questions to encourage conversation

Importance of asking questions

When sending a message on OkCupid, it’s important to ask thoughtful questions that can help initiate and sustain a conversation with your potential match. Asking questions not only shows your genuine interest in getting to know the person better but also encourages them to respond and engage in a meaningful dialogue.

Consider their profile

Before crafting your message, take the time to read through the person’s profile thoroughly. Look for common interests, hobbies, or any information that stands out. Use this information to come up with relevant questions that show you have taken the time to understand their preferences and background.

Avoid yes or no questions

When asking questions, it’s best to avoid those that can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.” These types of questions often lead to dead-end conversations. Instead, aim for open-ended questions that require more thought and encourage the person to share more about themselves. This not only helps you learn more about them but also creates opportunities for deeper connections.

Ask about their experiences or opinions

To foster engaging conversations, ask your potential match about their experiences or opinions on certain topics. For example, if you both enjoy traveling, you could ask about their favorite travel destination and why they love it. By asking for their perspective, you show that you value their thoughts and are genuinely interested in getting to know them better.

Keep it light-hearted and fun

While it’s important to ask thoughtful questions, remember to keep the overall tone of your message light-hearted and fun. Avoid overly serious or personal questions in the initial stages of conversation. Instead, focus on topics that are enjoyable and can spark positive emotions. This helps create a positive impression and encourages the person to respond in a similar manner.

Be respectful of boundaries

Finally, always respect any boundaries the person has set in their profile. If they mention certain topics they are not comfortable discussing, avoid asking questions related to those topics. Respecting their boundaries shows that you are considerate and willing to establish a comfortable and respectful connection with them.

By asking thoughtful questions, you can demonstrate your interest, initiate meaningful conversations, and establish a strong connection with your potential match on OkCupid. Remember to always stay genuine, respectful, and open-minded in your approach.

Making your message unique and memorable

Step 6.1: Show genuine interest

When sending a message on OkCupid, it’s important to make it unique and memorable by showing genuine interest in the recipient. Avoid generic compliments or canned phrases, and instead take the time to read their profile thoroughly. Look for shared hobbies, interests, or values that you can comment on. This will demonstrate that you have taken the time and effort to understand them as an individual.

Step 6.2: Be creative with your approach

To make your message stand out, think outside the box and be creative with your approach. Instead of just saying, “Hey, I noticed we both like hiking,” try sharing an interesting anecdote or asking about their favorite hike. Engage them in a conversation and make them curious to respond.

Step 6.3: Use humor when appropriate

Humor can be a powerful tool to make your message memorable. If you notice something funny in their profile, don’t hesitate to make a lighthearted joke or witty comment about it. However, be mindful of the tone and context, as humor can be subjective. Avoid offensive jokes or sarcasm that could be easily misinterpreted.

Step 6.4: Personalize your message

One of the most effective ways to make your message unique is to personalize it. Incorporate specific details from their profile into your message to show that you have taken the time to understand them. For example, mention a book they mentioned enjoying or ask about their recent travel experiences. This personal touch will make them feel valued and increase the likelihood of receiving a response.

Step 6.5: Keep it concise and engaging

While it’s important to make your message unique, it’s equally crucial to keep it concise and engaging. A long, rambling message may overwhelm the recipient or come across as desperate. Instead, aim for a brief and interesting message that sparks their curiosity and leaves room for further conversation. Focus on making a strong impression without overwhelming them with too much information.

Step 6.6: End with a call-to-action

To increase the chances of receiving a response, end your message with a call-to-action. This can be a simple question related to a shared interest or an invitation to continue the conversation. By giving the recipient a clear next step, you make it easier for them to respond and keep the interaction going.

In conclusion, making your message unique and memorable on OkCupid is essential to capture the attention of potential matches. By showing genuine interest, being creative, using humor appropriately, personalizing your message, keeping it concise, and ending with a call-to-action, you can increase your chances of receiving a response. Remember, the goal is to stand out from the crowd and create a meaningful connection.

Step 7: Proofreading and editing your message for clarity and errors

Why is proofreading important?

Sending a well-crafted message on OkCupid is crucial for making a positive impression on potential matches. However, even the best-written messages can be undermined by spelling errors, grammar mistakes, or unclear phrasing. That’s why step 7 of this guide focuses on proofreading and editing your message before hitting the send button.

How to proofread effectively

Proofreading involves carefully reviewing your message to ensure it is clear, error-free, and conveys your intended meaning. Here are some key steps to follow during the proofreading process:

1. Read your message aloud: By reading your message aloud, you can identify awkward phrasing, run-on sentences, or missing punctuation that may be difficult for the recipient to understand.

2. Check for spelling and grammar errors: Utilize spellcheck and grammar-check tools, but remember they are not foolproof. Take the time to manually review your message for any errors these tools may have missed.

3. Clarify any ambiguous sentences: Look for sentences that may be open to interpretation and rephrase them to ensure your message is concise and easily understood.

4. Shorten long sentences: Long sentences can be confusing and overwhelming. Break them down into smaller, more digestible sentences to convey your thoughts effectively.

5. Remove unnecessary information: Trim any unnecessary details that don’t contribute to the main message of your communication. Keeping your message concise shows respect for the recipient’s time and attention.

Why editing matters

Editing goes beyond proofreading by focusing on the structure and flow of your message. It involves revising your sentences and paragraphs to enhance readability and engagement. Here are some essential editing tips:

1. Use paragraphs effectively: Break your message into paragraphs to make it easier to read and follow. Each paragraph should contain one main point or idea.

2. Vary sentence structure: Utilize a mix of short and long sentences to create a natural rhythm and flow in your message.

3. Incorporate conversational language: Craft your message in a friendly and informal tone that reflects your personality and shows your potential match that you are approachable.

4. Pay attention to tone and intent: Ensure your message conveys your intentions clearly and respectfully. Avoid anything that may sound aggressive, sarcastic, or condescending.

5. Review for message cohesion: Make sure there is a logical progression from one sentence to the next, ensuring that your message is cohesive and easy to follow.

The final read-through

Once you have proofread and edited your message, take the time to read it through one final time. Pay attention to the overall message and check for any remaining errors or areas that may need improvement. By doing so, you can send a polished, error-free message that will impress your potential match on OkCupid.

With step 7 completed, you are now ready to move on to step 8, where you will learn how to send your message and maintain patience for a response.

Step 8: Sending the message and maintaining patience for a response

Sending the message

After you have carefully crafted your message, it’s time to hit the send button and put yourself out there. Take a moment to review your message one last time to ensure it aligns with your intended tone and purpose. Once you are satisfied, send the message and wait for a response.

Maintaining patience for a response

While it can be tempting to continuously check your inbox for a reply, it’s important to remember that not everyone will respond immediately, if at all. It’s important to be patient and give the other person time to read and respond to your message. The person might be busy, away, or simply taking their time to formulate a thoughtful response.

It’s also crucial to avoid sending follow-up messages too soon. Give the recipient enough time to respond before sending a reminder. Bombarding them with multiple messages will likely turn them off and could even lead to being blocked or ignored.

Tips for staying patient

To help maintain patience while waiting for a response, focus on the following tips:

1. Distract yourself: Engage in other activities that can take your mind off the waiting period. This could include hobbies, work, hanging out with friends, or pursuing other potential matches on OkCupid.

2. Avoid making assumptions: Just because you haven’t received a response yet, it doesn’t necessarily mean the other person isn’t interested. They may be busy or have a lot going on in their life. Remember that everyone has their own pace and schedule.

3. Set realistic expectations: Understand that not every message will receive a response, and that’s okay. Don’t let a lack of response discourage you from continuing to send messages to other potential matches.

4. Keep an open mind: While it’s natural to hope for a response from someone you are interested in, don’t limit your options. Keep exploring other potential matches and remain open to new connections.

5. Learn from the experience: Use the waiting period as an opportunity for self-reflection and growth. Assess your messaging approach, improve upon it, and apply what you learn to future interactions.

Remember that effective communication is not just about sending a message, but also about being patient and respectful of the other person’s time and response capabilities. By maintaining patience and a positive mindset, you increase your chances of creating meaningful connections on OkCupid.

Handling rejection or no response gracefully

Dealing with rejection

Sending messages on OkCupid doesn’t guarantee a positive response from every potential match. It’s essential to understand that rejection is a normal part of online dating and not take it personally. Here are a few tips for handling rejection gracefully:

1. Don’t dwell on it: If somebody doesn’t respond or rejects your message, try not to dwell on it. Remember that there are plenty of other potential matches out there, and one rejection doesn’t define your worth.

2. Maintain positivity: Instead of getting discouraged, maintain a positive mindset. Keep in mind that rejection is simply a way of filtering out people who may not be compatible with you. It brings you closer to finding the right match.

3. Learn from it: Use every rejection as an opportunity for growth and improvement. Reflect on your messaging approach and see if there’s anything you could have done differently. Taking lessons from rejection can ultimately help you refine your messaging strategy.

4. Keep trying: Don’t let a few rejections discourage you from continuing to send messages. Remember that dating is a numbers game, and the more messages you send, the higher your chances of finding someone who is interested in getting to know you.

Accepting non-responses

In addition to rejection, you may also encounter non-responses on OkCupid. People may fail to respond to your messages for various reasons, including being busy, losing interest, or simply overlooking your message. Here’s how you can handle non-responses:

1. Avoid taking it personally: Just like with rejection, it’s important not to take non-responses personally. Remember that online dating is a two-way street, and people have their own reasons for not responding.

2. Give it time: Sometimes, people may not respond right away due to their busy schedules or other commitments. Give your potential match some time before assuming they are not interested.

3. Move on gracefully: If you haven’t received a response after a reasonable amount of time, it’s best to move on and continue sending messages to other potential matches. Don’t dwell on someone who isn’t showing interest, and focus your energy on those who are more responsive.

4. Maintain optimism: Stay positive and optimistic throughout your online dating journey. Keep in mind that finding the right match takes time and effort, and non-responses are just part of the process.

Remember, the key to success on OkCupid is to keep improving your messaging skills, learn from rejections, and stay optimistic even in the face of non-responses. By handling rejection and non-responses gracefully, you’ll increase your chances of connecting with someone who appreciates you for who you are.

Conclusion with Final Tips and Encouragement for Successful Messaging on OkCupid

Final Tips for Successful Messaging

In conclusion, sending a message on OkCupid can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you are already on your way to connecting with potential matches and finding meaningful relationships. To further enhance your messaging success, here are some final tips to keep in mind:

1. Be genuine and authentic: Honesty is crucial when crafting your messages. Avoid using generic or overused pickup lines. Instead, show your potential match that you are genuinely interested in getting to know them by writing a personalized message.

2. Keep it concise: While it’s important to make your message unique and engaging, avoid writing a novel. Keep your message concise and to the point to hold your potential match’s attention.

3. Use proper grammar and spelling: Taking the time to proofread and edit your message for clarity and errors shows that you value effective communication. Poor grammar or spelling mistakes can give the impression that you are not serious or do not care.

4. Be patient: Not every message will receive an immediate response. Understand that people have different priorities and may not be checking their OkCupid inbox regularly. Give your potential match some time to respond before sending a follow-up message or assuming disinterest.

5. Respect boundaries: It is essential to respect a potential match’s boundaries. If someone does not respond or expresses disinterest, gracefully accept their response and move on. Pushing for a response or being disrespectful will only harm your chances of finding a meaningful connection.

Encouragement for Successful Messaging

Sending messages on OkCupid can sometimes feel discouraging, especially when facing rejection or no response. However, remember that online dating is a numbers game, and the process requires patience and perseverance. Here is some encouragement to keep you motivated:

1. Stay positive: Maintaining a positive attitude is crucial when navigating the world of online dating. Remember that rejection is not a reflection of your worth. Keep an open mind and continue to put your best foot forward in your messages.

2. Learn from each interaction: Treat each message as a learning experience. Take note of what worked and what didn’t, and use that knowledge to refine your approach. With each message, you will gain insight into what resonates with potential matches.

3. Celebrate small victories: Even if a message doesn’t lead to a long-term connection, celebrate small victories along the way. Whether it’s a pleasant conversation or a shared interest, appreciate the positive aspects of each interaction.

By applying these final tips and staying committed to the process, you increase your chances of success in messaging on OkCupid. Remember, finding a meaningful connection takes time and effort. So keep trying, stay positive, and don’t give up on the exciting possibilities that online dating can offer.

How to Send a Message on OkCupid: A Step-by-Step Guide to Connect with Potential Matches - The Techy Life (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.