How to Start a Conversation on OkCupid (First Message Tips) - (2024)


There may be hundreds of dating sites and mobile apps, but nothing beats OkCupid and its amazing matching game! One of the many reasons why most people tend to seek their dream match on OkCupid has got to do with their conversation starters.

So, would you like to be one of those who fail to impress their match just because of a dull pickup line? Probably not, right?

How to Start a Conversation on OkCupid (First Message Tips) - (1)

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How to Start a Conversation on OkCupid?

Starting a conversation is either a miss or a hit. After all, you don’t want to see how someone ghosts another on a top dating site, right? You can begin by being specific and incredibly real in your opening statements.

While girls and guys would love to hear compliments, try not to stretch too far, or you’ll sound fake. Something like “Hey, what’s up?” might be better than “Hey, just saw your profile; I think perfect finds perfect.” Don’t you think?

You can try to say something like this to start a conversation on OkCupid with your dream match:

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As you can see, his opener is simple yet effective and gets his matched invested.

Acting natural is a brave way to impress a girl or a guy you matched on OkCupid. But you can also make use of your hidden humor or romantic pickup lines – it’s your call.

Here’s a tip for you:

Try saying, “Why didn’t I meet you before?” instead of saying, “Hello, have we met before?

With the help of this article, you can improve the ways of getting a date on OkCupid or meeting your special someone. In fact, you will get a lot better with your first messages on OkCupid.

I also will share the best tips and tricks on how to start a conversation on OkCupid, openers, what mistakes to avoid, and how to impress your match with your first message.

How Do You Start a Conversation on OkCupid?

Starting a conversation on OkCupid is a great opportunity to leave an amazing first impression. Be precise and intriguing at the same time. Note the person’s bio to learn more about their interests, as it spices up your conversation starters. Here’s what a good type of conversation starter may sound like:

Quick question, would you rather have a picnic and enjoy a sunset or a sunrise?

“What your first movie recommendation would be if I said tragedy with comedy?”

While one may spark interest in an outdoors lover, the other may impress a movie buff.

Avoid any uninteresting questions like:

Hey, what do you think about my bio?” or “What are the chances of me getting successful with you just by a picture?

Conversation starters like these often tend to put the interest off as asking someone to rate you or defining chances is rather boring and mediocre.

If you’re having trouble getting replies or dates, I can improve your online dating success.

How Should I Introduce Myself on OkCupid?

Your introduction is supposed to define a personality trait. While some people are all into fun, amusem*nt, and making someone laugh, if you are looking to hit the perfect match, a good introduction may help.

There are lots of examples when it comes to the perfect introductory line. Let’s just say you found a “Netflix and chill” match. This opening line could do the trick:

I am the one who knocks! But are you the one who answers?

Isn’t that somewhat interesting? Of course, considering you don’t fall victim to ghosting, you are sure to generate a response from that. Here’s a pop culture reference to make someone laugh:

I come in peace,” from the famous Alien. Be sure to stay on the perfect counter-response when your match is up for a chat.

Being generic and beginning a conversation with “Hiya,” “What’s up?” sounds a bit neutral and boring. However, for an engaging introduction, try adding some humor to your opening lines! Here’s an example:

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Just like the above example, you can try to be amusing while introducing yourself. Leaning towards a fun duo activity while including the name of your match can be a great way to start up a conversation!

Here’s another example of how you can make a funny icebreaker:

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Puns are also a great way to get the conversation started. For example, if a girl named Erin, you might say:

Hey, sorry I couldn’t match with you sooner. I was out running some “erins”

Before you begin talking, I should tell you. I have already seen me m-erin you!

Check out my post if you’re not getting replies on OkCupid.

Who Sends the First Message on OkCupid?

Sending a message always gives you a point for being in the dating game. If your icebreaker hits the point, Et Voila! You have made the first step to getting to know your match.

While it is a game of who sends the first message, try exploiting this opportunity to let the other person know about yourself. Here’s what a good first message to a girl may look like:

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While you may find many ways, being confident is still one of the best ways to start a conversation with a girl. Still, don’t sweat yourself; you can do the same with a guy on your match. Here’s an example of OkCupid messages that work:

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Obviously, the trick is sending the most exciting and humorous messages. Whether a girl or a guy, humor beats any other fun on a dating site like OkCupid. For one, let’s discuss what should your first message on a dating app should be like.

How Do You Write The First Message On A Dating Site?

Make sure that you use the right words and texting behavior when you are chatting on OkCupid. One of the worst ways to put off a match is by using acronyms and anagrams that are either too difficult to guess or too boring to respond to.

Avoiding any gross references but keeping up with weird pickup lines means a very thin margin. And that said, only practice can make you perfect in receiving prompt responses for your opening conversations.

Writing a good first message is easy as long as you take into account these first few things (some are even fun to play with):

  • Character length of the opening line –keep it short if you lack an exciting pun or one at all. Normally, it is best to stay with a 60-70 characters length for your first message. Try shortening it if you still don’t get replies.
  • Use of emojis – inserting vague emojis might put off the vibe quicker than you think. Here are a few emojis that can literally turn the conversation into a disaster, such as the 🍆 or 💍 etc. However, an appropriately placed smiley face, such as 😉 or 🙃 can work well.
  • Puns – playing with the names is the most humorous of the content as long as you maintain a boundary of not being offensive (that tends to lead to ghosting). Here’s a quick example of what a good name pun looks like:

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Not waiting for a reply – you might want to wait after the first few messages before bombarding the chat for a number or Snapchat. Usually, it is a good idea to wait for a few hours before rushing the conversation for replies. Some people might also take a day or so before getting back to you. However, if you are getting along, be sure to ask them out within 3-4 days.

Find out how to boost your visibility on OkCupid.

How Do You Say Hello On the Dating App?

Saying “hello” has countless variations, and if you’re a culture freak, Woah! So, try beginning with a “Hola, how are you?” instead of a “Hi” or something a bit more unique. Knowing one thing can surely spice up your “hello” into a flavorful, amazing opening line.

Hello isn’t merely a greet but a chance to find common ground. However, here’s something that you can try to avoid:

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Something like that above can easily offend someone. But here’s what might work:

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Of course, it might take time to find the right name match to land your pun, but it’s worth the best shot!

Practice makes perfect, and who’s to say you might not land with your dream guy or girl on your first OkCupid match. So, be sure to practice and take a look at the best online dating advice and conversation guide.

I will not only help you design a flawless opening pickup line but also improve your chances of getting a long-time response from your match.

Take Advice from the Best Dating Profile Writer

Finding the right match may not be as difficult as starting a conversation. Before you say something creepy thinking it’s cheesy, get in touch with me for the best conversation starters. Besides the amazing ideas, I can also help you with making the most appealing dating profiles for men and women.

Check my blog and find the tips and tricks to learn some of the sexiest and most attractive opening lines to gain the attention of your match instantly.

How to Start a Conversation on OkCupid (First Message Tips) - (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.